On the evening 5th of September Communities across the globe will drive events and engagements in Artificial Intelligence on Microsoft Azure, this is an initiative called Global AI Nights.
Currently 92 communities are signed up and have some great agendas for the evening.
In the Nordics there are currently only 3 locations available, Skåne Azure User Group (#AzureSkane) are happy to be one of these locations, venue is hosted by the excellent FooCafe.
“Also check out the CloudBurst event we have 28th of August“

We have a great agenda that will give you insights regardless the proficiency you have on the topic.
This is a great opportunity to build or extend your knowledge about AI, Machine Learning, Cognitive services and more.
We will have a short Global AI Keynote followed by 2 sessions from industry AI leaders and end the night with an quick tour for a call to action on Hands-on labs created by Microsoft and the AI Community for this event, we will also be handing out Azure passes so you can execute the labs.
The Sessions:
“Making your ML / AI production ready”
Do you know 3 out of 5 ML / AI engagement do not go to the production or can not operate in a enterprise production eco system. In this session we ll discuss about, what it takes to be production ready and how to avoid those pitfalls with some techno-functional example of the industries.
“Why AI/ML projects are different”
The interest in machine learning and artificial intelligence has exploded over the last couple of years, and the availability of tools, techniques and research are at an unprecedented high. Plenty of tutorials on how to use all kinds of techniques are easily accessible through a simple web search, and in-depth online learning is available free of charge.
However, even if the technology has made significant leaps, and access to it is easier than ever before, AI/ML projects often have a considerable amount of friction – in most cases due to different topics than in traditional software development. Fundamental topics like definitions of a successful project, project activity breakdowns and effort estimations are all turned upside down, in a world much closer to research than development. The session will go through some of the fundamental building blocks of AI/ML projects and highlight some of the key challenges from a project perspective, with real world examples to learn from.
Preliminary Agenda
- 17:15 – 17:30 Meet & Greet
- 17:30 – 17:45 Global AI Keynote
- 17:45 – 18:30 Presentation
- 18:30 – 18:50 Break & Pizza
- 18:50 – 19:35 Presentation
- 19:35 – 19:45 Handouts, Lab intro and wrap up
Ashok Samal is an Advisor, IT strategist, engaging public speaker and currently working as a Solution Architect at Microsoft, Western Europe with deep focus on the AI and innovation. His vast international experience includes 8 solid years of BigData & AI across ASIA, Europe & US. He has a very strong business and technical combo.
Mattias Jönsson has a long background in analytics and machine learning, and has worked for companies like IBM, TIBCO and Microsoft. At MS, he was a Global Black Belt for AI in Western Europe, focusing specifically on Azure services.
The event is free, but registration is required and the number of seats are limited.
Make sure you register both here on Meetup and on Foo Café:
A big welcome!
Skåne Azure User Group (#AzureSkane)